vineri, 1 mai 2009

The Knights Hospitallers

Founded in 1048, when a group of merchants from Amalfi Italian Republic has requested permission to build a church in Jerusalem, a monastery and a hospital to assist pilgrims. Order of The Knights Hospitallers (St. John the Baptist) was founded a Benedictine monk, named by Gerardo Sasso, during the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. White Cross - the symbol of Amalfi republic - was sign that was sewn into the right heart on a black frock Benedictine monks involved in social activities and patient care in the region of Jerusalem. Anyone who has followed the leadership of the order, the Puy Raimondi, gave the brothers ordered a new task: the defense of Christian pilgrims arrived in the Holy Land, the order-taking and also a soldier. Aka The Order of Saint John, members were monks, which over time have agreed to bear the sword and places dear to defend against Muslim invasion. Until then known as "hospitable" (hence the name of the hospital today), this time beginning to be called "The Order of Saint John of Jerusalem." Those who constitute it are the soldiers and the veil of noble origin and submit a triple vow of poverty, chastity and obedience. So talk of a military-religious group that enjoys a number of privileges: can bear arms, and especially can move freely (without needing permits free passage or other approvals). In addition, the 1113 papal Bula are totally independent of any state authority, as what modern terms would appoint a supranational structure. Unlike other orders (Templars, teutonii), where members and cavalry fighters have agreed to become a veil and, in order ioaniţii hospitable are based on a structure and a monastic life. Over time, the order and moved the center of gravity, the spiritual and medical care to pilgrims, to fight against Muslims. In the year 1187, Ioan and the Order of the Knights of the rival Templars have been cast out of Jerusalem by Muslims, the fortress began in Accra (now Israel), then on the island of Cyprus (after conquering the city Accra, in the year 1291, by Muslim) and in 1306 on the island of Rhodes. In the year 1523, were expelled from the island of Rhodes by the Turkish Sultan Suleiman. Wandering for seven years by various countries, and in 1530, Emperor Charles Quint, with the approval of Pope Clement VII century, gives the island of Malta. Hence the name above the usual Maltese knights. On this occasion the order is determined to remain neutral in case of war between Christian nations. When in 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte takes Malta, the Knights are forced to abandon the island and scatter in all European countries. For only in 1834, is set in order definitively to Rome, where he also holds today Palace and Villa Malta Malta, both in the Maltese territory italian. In leading order was a Grand Master, elected for life, subject only to the pope. In the nineteenth century, the Order "Knights of Malta" has returned to the original charity mission, to assist patients and the need, as a model for further international charity institutions and Red Cross Red Crescent. Maltese Cross (sign the order), with four arms and eight terminaţii represent the eight provinces and countries that have sent volunteers on the island of Malta: France, Provence, Auvergne, Aragon, Castile, Italy, England, Germany. Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta is one of the oldest noble orders, Catholic existing service aimed at helping neighbor and faith. In recognition of its achievements, the Order shall enjoy the right of sovereignty and maintain diplomatic relations with over 90 countries. In 1961 the order received observer status in the State Assembly of the United Nations (UN). To be able to bring out the duties of the institutions, organizations may be dependent. Such organizations working daily to support the Order, its mission in over 120 countries. According to their statistics, the Order of Malta today counts 12,500 of "knights", who joins 80,000 volunteers. You somehow imagine that if someone has dared to consider volunteering as human trafficking or exploitation. On site presentation of the Order, there are really only 38 "knights" of Malta in the true sense of the word. More specifically, only 38 of them have made, as in the old, the three vow: chastity, poverty and obedience. The rest are located very far from these values and, of course, seriously involved in politics or business. Be said about them that they not only make oath of total obedience to the orders. Given the positions of power that they occupy in society, such an oath he turned into instruments of foreign interests of the peoples and States that should represent them. Besides the fact that for centuries was a major army ground force and naval, the Knights of Malta have remained until today an important occult power and financial policy. Most members are of noble origin, and among the conditions of receiving the Order is that of holding a social position, wealth, titles and important. This condition, however would seem bizarre to power is the key financial cavalerilor. Moreover, the age, wealth nobles who join the knights of Malta and returned to the death of their Order. In October 1989, after two centuries, Maltese knights around the world have managed to meet on the island of Malta, when the republican government of the country began to return some of the properties of the order. The Order is organized today in Greater priority priority Subpriorate and National Associations. Today, the order is continuing the tradition of having the multi moral precepts and the practice of human solidarity, helping those in distress and needs, social welfare, charity, philanthropy having regard to all stakeholders through bilateral treaties of mutual recognition in humanitarian activities.